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Design Democracy is a non-profit project campaigning for democracy and respect online with digital posters that depict democratic values. Designers are invited through recurring online open calls to design political posters. We then distribute these posters like digital leaflets on social media.
Design Democracy is currently only available in German. Anyhow, if you would like to participate feel free to enter your poster through the german participation form in english. If you struggle with the form feel free to e-mail us and browse through our posters in the meantime, as luckily graphic design can overcome language barriers.
Please note that you must accept our terms and conditions in order to participate.
With the posters we create visual counter-speech. We want to prevent radicalization and form a counterpoint to discrimination and ignorance. In order to penetrate the non-democratic filter bubble, we specifically use undemocratic hashtags when sharing the posters on social media. This is how the posters work where a peaceful, democratic and tolerant discourse is urgently needed. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook and:or Twitter to see all new posters as soon as they are published.
We particularly want to reach people who, in their regular environment, have little contact with peaceful and tolerant messages. As a counterpoint to controversy and ignorance in the usual digital discourse, we attach great importance to not dismissing any opinion as unimportant. Every person, even if s:he belongs to a certain group, is an individual with feelings and own ideas. And every human should be treated as such. We believe that our society will get further with tolerance and respect, rather than with generalizations, hatred and prejudice.
Visit our Site Teilnahme. Here you can enter your design at any point in time.
Step 1: Upload your poster image, specify the title & your personal data: Name, E-Mail, Website, Instagram and/or Twitter (@yourname). For the image please use a portrait format in DIN A aspect ratio, min. 1200px wide and a JPG for web or animated GIF with the max. size of 3 MB.
Step 2: Enter a description text, choose a theme that fits your poster from the drop down and edit the hashtags if necessary. If you wish to add other hashtags than the provided, please E-Mail us.
Step 3: Confirm upload, Agree to Terms - done! We will check your entry to make sure it complies with our project values and after approval your poster will soon appear on designdemocracy.com and on our social channels.
Since our entry form currently is only available in German, please feel free to contact us if you need any help entering your design.
For further questions regarding the competition we also provide our FAQ & Terms of Participation in English.
Feel free to E-Mail us if you have any questions!
In order to be able to participate successfully in the social and political dialogue and the prevention of filter bubbles, we are dependent on financial support. With your donation you support our charitable and voluntary work and at the same time ensure that Design Democracy remains independent.